What Is The Speed Of A Deer? 

speed of a deer

You might have seen a running deer but don’t know the exact speed of a deer. Deer are considered one of the fastest-running animals because they run very fast even if they sometimes escape from a tiger. The speed of a tiger is approximately half of the speed of a deer but unfortunately, a deer … Read more

What Is The Speed Of Neural Transmission? 

What Is The Speed Of Neural Transmission? 

The speed of neural transmission is essential as it plays a role in the transmission of information. Suppose you touch a hot cooking pan, then you suddenly realize and throw it away. Why does this happen? Who told your brain that the cooking pan is hot? It is all because of neurons that are present … Read more

What Is The Speed Of Walking? 

speed of walking

Have you measured your speed of walking? Many readers now get aware of their walking speed and they never paid attention to it before. But, today we will give you the walking speed of human beings in detail. And as a bonus, we will give you the formula to calculate it so you can use … Read more

What Is Speed Of Radio Waves? 

speed of radio waves

Is it possible to measure the speed of radio waves? Yes, it is possible. The standing waves of UHF radio are used to measure the speed of the radio waves. But before knowing the radio waves’ speed, you should know about the radio waves themselves. So, radio waves are nothing but one of the types … Read more

What Is The Speed Of Thunder? 

speed of thunder

Before knowing the speed of thunder you should know why thunder is generated. Thunder is a loud, explosive, resounding noise produced by the explosive expansion heated by a lightning discharge. And thunder is produced due to the friction between two immense clouds. The amount of electrical energy that flows from the cloud to the ground … Read more

What Is The Speed Of A Mongoose? 

speed of a mongoose

Have you ever wondered about the speed of a mongoose? Have you seen a mongoose running? In today’s article, we will give you the mongoose’s exact speed and the formula to calculate it. When you see a group of mongoose running, then you will understand that all the mongooses do not have the same speed … Read more

What Is The Speed Of Spacecraft? 

speed of spacecraft

Is it possible to measure the speed of spacecraft? Yes, it is possible. In fact, we are going to give you a basic formula to do so. While talking about spacecraft, is nothing but a vehicle designed to operate, with or without a crew, in a controlled flight pattern above the lower atmospheric region of … Read more

What Is The Speed Of A Giraffe? 

speed of a giraffe

Have you ever seen a giraffe running? You might be wondering after seeing the speed of a giraffe. Here you will find a solution to it because, in this article, we are going to know the exact speed of the giraffe. As a bonus, we will also give you the formula to calculate the speed … Read more

What Is Average Speed Of A Roller Coaster? 

average speed of a roller coaster

Before moving on to the average speed of a roller coaster let me tell you some basic information about the roller coaster. Because everyone is not aware of the roller coaster. Roller coaster in an elevated railway constructed with sharp curves and a steep incline on which cars roll. Simply, it is an amusement park … Read more

What Is The Speed Of A Dog? 

speed of a dog

You might see multiple dogs running on a daily basis. Have you tried to know the speed of a dog? Don’t worry, here we will provide an easy formula to calculate it. The speed of dogs depends upon various factors, out of them, some you may know and some you may not know. But, here … Read more