What Is Speed Of Radio Waves? 

Is it possible to measure the speed of radio waves? Yes, it is possible. The standing waves of UHF radio are used to measure the speed of the radio waves. But before knowing the radio waves’ speed, you should know about the radio waves themselves. So, radio waves are nothing but one of the types of electromagnetic radiation with the longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. Generally with frequencies of 300 GHz and sometimes below. Now that you have a basic idea about the radio waves, let’s know the speed of radio waves.  

What Is Speed Of Radio Waves? 

The speed of radio waves is 299,775 km/h. It is the speed of radio waves in a vacuum, and it is equal to the velocity of light, within the limits of experimental error. Many people have a question, do radio waves travel at the speed of light? The answer is yes. But why? It is because the radio waves are light, and so they travel at the speed of light. Now, you got cleared about the speed of radio waves vs light.  

Now, the question is how does the speed of radio waves compare to the speed of visible light. Visible light travels 10 times as fast as it has 106 times higher energy radio waves travel faster since they have longer wavelengths. It depends on the source of the emitting waves, all electromagnetic waves travel at 3.  

The speed of waves in space is about 299,792,458 meters per second, often approximated simply as 3 x 108 m/s. And it is the same as the speed of light in a vacuum. So, the speed of radio waves in km is already given but what about the speed of radio waves in m/s. So, it is 3 x 108 m/s. 

While talking about the speed of radio waves in air, then it is 299,250 km/s. But for higher frequencies propagating at a height of several wavelengths, the speed of the waves is determined by the refractive index of the air instead of the properties of the ground. 

Well, you know about the speed of radio waves in space. Now, let’s learn how to calculate the speed of a radio wave with the help of the speed of radio waves formula

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Calculate The Speed Of Radio Waves 

So, to calculate the speed of the radio waves, you need to understand the formula first. And it is given by, 

Speed = Wavelength x Wave Frequency 

In the symbolic form, 

V = λf


             λ is the wavelength of radio waves 

             f is the frequency of radio waves, and  

             v is the speed of radio waves 

Let’s understand this formula with the help of an example. 

What will be the speed of a radio wave, if its wavelength is 35cm and frequency is 50 kHz? 

So, speed of radio waves = 0.35 x 50 x 1000 = 17500 m/s  

Let’s know some applications of radio waves. So, the application of radio waves are 

  • Standard broadcast radio and television 
  • Shortwave radio 
  • Navigation and air-traffic control 
  • Cellular telephony, and 
  • Even remote controller toys. 

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Are Radio Waves Faster Than Light?

No. Radio waves are a form of electromagnetic radiation and so, by definition they travel at the speed of light (in a vacuum).

What Is The Speed Of Radio Waves In M S?

3.0 × 108 m/s


All types of electromagnetic waves propagate with the speed of light, c = 3.0 × 108 m/s, which is in vacuum.

What Are The Speed And Frequency Of The Radio Waves?

Radio waves are in the range of about 10 kHz (or ten thousand waves per second) to 100 GHz (which is one hundred million vibrations per second).

How Fast Do Radio Waves Travel In KM?

300,000 km per second

Radio waves are a kind of electromagnetic radiation, and thus they move at the speed of light. The speed of light is a little less than 300,000 km per second. At that speed, a beam of light could go around the Earth at the equator more then 7 times in a second.

Can Radio Waves Escape A Black Hole?

The answer to your question is a definite no. Nothing, no particles, no information, can ever escape a black hole. Electromagnetic radiation cannot escape a black hole, because it travels at the speed of light.

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Do Radio Waves Have The Fastest Speed?

Generally speaking, we say that light travels in waves, and all electromagnetic radiation travels at the same speed which is about 3.0 * 108 meters per second through a vacuum. We call this the “speed of light”; nothing can move faster than the speed of light.

Do Radio Waves Ever Stop?

Once radio waves are transmitted from Earth, they travel indefinitely through space.

What Are 3 Things About Radio Waves?

Despite their versatility, radio waves have lower frequencies than those of microwaves.

  • Their signals are bounced through the atmosphere. Actually, radio waves are shot straight into a part of the atmosphere called the ionosphere. …
  • Radio waves bounce forever if not absorbed. …
  • Radio waves can travel forever.


In this article, you have calculated the speed of the radio waves by using a speed formula. Do you know the properties of radio waves? So, they are the wavelength of radio waves is longer than the infrared light, radio waves can travel for a long distance, radio waves can penetrate through materials, and radio waves cannot be felt and they are invisible. There are also other properties of the radio waves, but these are important. And the source of radio waves is pulsars, certain nebulas, quasars, and radio galaxies. Now, you won’t forget the speed of radio waves in the future.   


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What is the speed and frequency of radio waves

What is the frequency of a radio wave?