What Is Speed Of Sound In Knots? 

How fast is the speed of sound in knots? Do you have any ideas? Don’t worry, you will get it right after reading this article. A sound wave or simply sound is invisible to your naked eye, but you can hear it. Then, how it is possible to measure the speed of sound? There are several instruments designed to measure the speed of sound, one of them is the sound velocity probe. It is a device that is used for measuring the speed of sound, specifically in the water column, for oceanographic and hydrographic research purposes. Similarly, there are different devices to measure the speed of sound in different mediums

What Is Speed Of Sound In Knots? 

The speed of sound in knots is 661 kn, which is the speed of sound in knots at sea level. It is 650 kn and 638 kn for 1524 m and 3048 m altitude respectively. Here, you can conclude that the speed of sound in knots fundamentally depends upon the altitude, when altitude increases speed also increases, and vice versa. Simply means, the speed of sound in knots is directly proportional to the altitude. 

The speed of sound at 0 degrees celsius in knots is 643 knots which is equivalent to 344 m/sec. So, the speed of sound changes with temperature. Initially, there is a gradual increment in the speed of sound while increasing temperature, but after a certain time, the speed of sound increases fastly while increasing the temperature. So, the final conclusion is that the speed of sound is also directly proportional to the temperature. 

The speed of sound at tropopause in knots is 185.054 knots and the speed of sound in air knots is 667 knots. Similarly, the speed of sound in water knots is 666.739 kn. 

Well, now you have an idea about the speed of sound in knots at sea level as well as the speed of sound in knots per second. Let’s focus on its calculations. 

Calculate The Speed Of Sound In Knots 

So, to calculate the speed of sound in knots is not rocket science, you just need to multiply the final value by 666.379. You will get the speed of sound in knots. For this, you need to know one formula of the speed calculation as given below. The speed of sound in knots formula is, 

Speed of Sound in knots (v) = λ f * 666.379 kn 


           V – speed of sound in kn

           λ – wavelength of the sound 

           f –  frequency of the sound wave 

From the above formula, you can conclude that the speed of sound is dependent on several factors including the density, and temperatures of the medium. 

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Let’s know the practical use of the above-given formula. 

What will be the speed of a sound wave if it has a frequency of 3 Hz and wavelength of 35 cm? 

So, by using the formula v = λ f * 666.379 

The speed of sound in knots = 3 x 35 x 0.01 x 666.379= 699.69 kn  

Now, you can calculate the speed of the sound in knots by using this formula. 

About The Sound Wave 

Sound is a pressure wave caused when something vibrates, making particles bump into each other and them apart, or you can call it compression and rarefaction. The particle vibrates back and forth in the direction that the wave travels but does not get carried along with the wave. 

For example, when you clap your hands, you force air particles together and then apart. This effect ripples out and your hands create small waves of sound. The particles of air close to your hands are pushed outwards and bump into neighboring particles, and there then move and bump into more particles. 

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What Speed Is The Speed Of Sound In Knots?

The speed of sound (Mach 1) varies with altitude and temperature. If an aircraft is travelling at the speed of sound at sea-level then its speed will be 661 knots (760 miles per hour) or if it is travelling at the speed of sound at 30,000 feet then its speed will be 589 knots (677 miles per hour).

Whats Faster 1 Knot Or 1 Mph?

One knot equals one nautical mile per hour, or roughly 1.15 statute mph.

Why Is It Called Knots?

The term knot derives from its former use as a length measure on ships’ log lines, which were used to measure the speed of a ship through the water. Such a line was marked off at intervals by knots tied in the rope.

Why Do Planes Use Knots?

HighSkyFlying points out that in aviation, air routes are defined in terms of waypoints (latitude, longitude), and their distance is expressed in terms of nautical miles. Therefore, the use of knots provides a quick estimation of time and speed requirements for pilots.

How Fast Is 20 Knots In The Air?

A nautical mile is the distance between two points or minutes of latitude on the globe, which is equal to roughly 1.15 statute miles. So, to calculate knots versus miles per hour, simply multiply knots by 1.15 to get miles per hour. If your ship is traveling at 20 knots, that means it is going 23 miles per hour.

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How Many Knots Is The Speed Of Sounds?

The speed of sound is the distance travelled per unit of time by a sound wave as it propagates through an elastic medium. At 20 °C (68 °F), the speed of sound in air is about 343 metres per second (1,125 ft/s; 1,235 km/h; 767 mph; 667 kn), or one kilometre in 2.91 s or one mile in 4.69 s.

Do Planes Use Knots For Speed?

Knots is how the speed of aircraft and boats is measured. Both miles per hour and knots is a speed which is the number of units of distance that is covered for a certain amount of time.

How Fast Does A 747 Fly In Knots?

around 160 knots

A typical takeoff or rotation speed of a Boeing 747-400 model—which was the biggest selling of the 747 variants—is around 160 knots. The Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental, the most recent 747 passenger variant, has a typical cruise speed of Mach 0.86 while flying at an altitude of 35,000 feet, according to Boeing.

How Fast Is A Knot On A Cruise Ship?

How fast is a knot in miles per hour? When you convert 1 knot to miles per hour, it works out to 1.15 standard miles per hour for every nautical mile per hour. That’s knot speed.


Above we have tried our best to provide you with a detailed explanation of the speed of sound in knots at different temperatures and different altitudes. Generally, we calculate the speed of sound in m/s or km/h or mph. But here we have calculated it on knots. To calculate the speed of sound in knots is very simple, just calculate the speed of sound as usual in m/s or km/h and then multiply your final answer by 66.379, and you will get it into knots. So, this was all about the speed of sound in knots

How fast does sound travel in knots